anokarina: Au revoir, little one 🐕
b. inxee♪♫: Ali in action
stevenbates: Bracon and Rosie enjoying the snow
anokarina: “Even if no salvation should come, I want to be worthy of it at every moment.” ―Franz Kafka 🐈
anokarina: ―there always has to be one 🐕
andymiccone: "Take me out, I'm ready!"
viemme: Attila
anokarina: “Dogs are our link to paradise. They don't know evil or jealousy or discontent..” ―Milan Kundera 🌈 🐕
anokarina: ―my, what big green eyes you have 👀 🐈
anokarina: The Sentinel 🐕
anokarina: “Winter passes and one remembers one's perseverance.” ―Yoko Ono 💻 🐈
MindfulnessArt: That look...
MindfulnessArt: Katouchka petite chouette domestique!
stevenbates: Running through the snow
toncheetah: A new tenant under the sofa / Un nuevo inquilino debajo del sofá
andymiccone: Salvia
b. inxee♪♫: Moy moy in the forest
stphanielegay: Pongo ❤
stphanielegay: Yume ❤
andymiccone: "What's that...?"
stphanielegay: yume ❤
icanhascamera: Serious face #2
stphanielegay: Yume ❤
icanhascamera: Surveillance
andymiccone: Salvia
icanhascamera: Wild creature!