Teteel: a simple, ordinary, housewife~
Teteel: Liquid gold ...
Teteel: My soft orange perspective...
Teteel: Red ... Sweet ...*
Teteel: Something sweet, please ...*
Teteel: Dead... fried... delicious nature!
Teteel: Be whatever you like, be your own dream... -Explored, April 30 2011 # 380 -
Teteel: The quiet evenings ...~
Teteel: Hearts, jams, books and separations ... ( Ι made apple jam this afternoon...) Και Καλό μας Απρίλιο!!!
Teteel: ... she found out that "people after awhile become theories". 2
Teteel: When she left ... 1
Teteel: Left-Handed Woman nobody knows that I would give even my right hand for your sake, with this to do your works, with this to cook, and with the heart's hand only to caress... ~
Teteel: White rain.
Teteel: BOO!!!!
Teteel: Open the window, lady! It is so cold.
Teteel: What a beautiful day !
Teteel: What a relief !!! We all became red...
Teteel: Oh! I became red...
Teteel: Lida and Bob.
Teteel: Pink beauty.
tamara erbacher: baby raglan...
Teteel: Τοmatoes and peppers filled with rice and herbs. The best food for the summer.
Teteel: In a minute... i said !
Teteel: Spaghetti, will be ready in a minute !
tamara erbacher: bedtime story...
tamara erbacher: proud...
Teteel: Will the Princess kiss the frogs ?
Teteel: Μy hibiscus, one and only for this year.
Teteel: Small window. Μικρό παραθυράκι.
tamara erbacher: inky milo