jopperbok: That old chestnut
jopperbok: Half a brain
jopperbok: Eruption
jopperbok: G(c)rater
jammie_jamie: Acer Seedhead
Vegan Feast Catering: We are Family
C.Kalk DigitaLPhotoS: crispy.cereals
Vegan Feast Catering: Bird Seed Art
jammie_jamie: Decaying rosebud
jammie_jamie: Beautiful snowdrop
C.Kalk DigitaLPhotoS: macro.chilli
Vegan Feast Catering: Black Eyed Peas
C.Kalk DigitaLPhotoS: Buchecker / Beech-Nut #002
jammie_jamie: Blackberry Seedhead
jammie_jamie: Blackberry flower bud
jopperbok: The missing piece of the puzzle
jopperbok: Saint Davy's Day
jopperbok: Something to cry over
jopperbok: Juniper Berries
jopperbok: Poor man's pepper
jopperbok: Garlic cutters
jopperbok: Serenata
marieh1177: Detail of Rose, Lady of Shalott
C.Kalk DigitaLPhotoS: broken.chestnut
C.Kalk DigitaLPhotoS: Buchecker / Beech-Nut #001
C.Kalk DigitaLPhotoS: Haselnüsse / Hazelnuts #002
C.Kalk DigitaLPhotoS: Haselnüsse / Hazelnuts #001