blancos2012: Marylin
charlotteanne_x: Mona Monroe
jorge martins fotos: Who is she?
.:Céu de Confeti:. por Roberta Santos: Museu Encantado da Barbie
Ron Gergely: "Marilyn"
martinae: SAM_0816
martinae: SAM_0819
martinae: SAM_0827
numberonetrufriend: Marilyn Monroe and Charles Johnson star in: "Prisoners of Love".
lennon060502: Marilyn Monroe
lennon060502: Marilyn Monroe
lennon060502: Marilyn Monroe
lennon060502: Marilyn Monroe
lennon060502: Marilyn Monroe
lennon060502: Marilyn Monroe
lennon060502: Marilyn Monroe
lennon060502: Marilyn Monroe
lennon060502: Marilyn Monroe
lennon060502: Marilyn Monroe
lennon060502: Marilyn Monroe
lennon060502: Marilyn Monroe
numberonetrufriend: Marilyn Monroe and Charles Johnson star in: "Prisoners of Love".
numberonetrufriend: Marilyn Monroe and Charles Johnson star in: "Prisoners of Love".
numberonetrufriend: Marilyn Monroe and Charles Johnson star in: "Prisoners of Love".