Volker Seibt: Ant with aphids on apple blossom / Ameise mit Blattläusen auf Apfelblüte
Volker Seibt: Ladybug / Marienkäfer
Volker Seibt: Ladybug / Marienkäfer
carla4646: Caught in the act!
carla4646: Walking on stilts!
Terathopius: 73.131 Flounced Rustic (Luperina testacea), Burntisland, Fife
carla4646: Couldn’t help but feel you watching me!
Terathopius: 70.013 Small Fan-footed Wave (Idaea biselata), Burntisland, Fife
carla4646: Cute little katydid!
Terathopius: 73.311 Coast Dart (Euxoa cursoria), Tentsmuir NNR, Fife
Joanna Key: A post of an Eastern Comma, who was checking out a post
gcampbellphoto: Powdered Quaker (Orthosia gracilis)
Terathopius: 4.068 Trifurcula immundella, Tentsmuir NNR, Fife
Athazen: Ground Beelte 5131
Athazen: Bee 5290
Athazen: Bee 5288
gcampbellphoto: Halictus rubicundus (Orange-legged Furrow-bee)
Terathopius: 35.119 Scrobipalpa samadensis, Tentsmuir NNR, Fife
Wilhelmus15: Thomisidae spider, getting ready for Lunch
Ricardo Menor: Rojo anaranjado
Luís Gaifém: Issoria lathonia (Linnaeus, 1758)
Terathopius: 35.048 Bryotropha umbrosella, Tentsmuir NNR, Fife
Terathopius: 37.055 Coleophora pyrrhulipennella, Tentsmuir NNR, Fife
Terathopius: 49.051 Cnephasia asseclana, Tentsmuir NNR, Fife
Athazen: Hover Fly 4473
Athazen: Hover Fly 4468
Athazen: DCZ4509