anokarina: “My favorite hobby is cooking and eating. There is nothing I can do well if I have not eaten well.” ―Darnell Lamont Walker 🍜
anokarina: 🍜 the shimmer 🍳
anokarina: “The most important relationship in your life is the relationship you have with yourself. Because no matter what happens, you will always be with yourself.” ―Diane Von Furstenberg 🍛 🍳 🍲
anokarina: “I am nothing more than the consequence of catastrophe.” ―Tahereh Mafi 🍳 🍲
anokarina: “In the end, it wasn't death that surprised her but the stubbornness of life.” ―Jeffrey Eugenides 🍳
anokarina: “If I were to wish for anything, I should not wish for wealth and power, but for the passionate sense of the potential, for the eye which, ever young and ardent, sees the possible.” ―Søren Kierkegaard 🍳
anokarina: “Taking pictures is savoring life intensely, every hundredth of a second.” ―Marc Riboud ☕️ 🍳 🍞
anokarina: “A [person] who dares to waste one hour of time has not discovered the value of life.” ―Charles Darwin 🍣 🍙 🍳
anokarina: “Life is pain... Anyone who says differently is selling something.” ―William Goldman 🍳
anokarina: 🍳 the double split 🍳
anokarina: The Brit Way 🍳
anokarina: 🍳 internal bleeding 🍳
anokarina: “Picasso himself said it. Art, he said, is a lie, a lie that makes us realize the truth.” ―Orson Welles
anokarina: 🍳 the perfect poach 🍳
anokarina: “A couple more bites, then Barbot unleashed his signature galette de champignons de Paris et foie grad mariné au verjus, huile de noisette, citron confit on us.” ―David Chang, Momofuku 🍳
anokarina: Whoever said this is the shape of the human heart? 💛
anokarina: 🍅 seeking the perfect poach 🍳
honghanh1410: Sunny lemon cheesecake
honghanh1410: Sunny lemon cheesecake
Sam_Mason Photography: London and CATCF
honghanh1410: Flaxseed muffins with salted eggs & chicken floss
honghanh1410: Pickled deviled eggs
honghanh1410: Pickled deviled eggs
honghanh1410: Vietnamese caramelised braised pork & quail eggs in coconut juice
honghanh1410: Vietnamese caramelised braised pork & quail eggs in coconut juice
honghanh1410: Toasts with eggs and tomatoes
nickmachin: Top dippy eggs at the Imperial Cafe in Splott Road, Splott, Cardiff.
Sam_Mason Photography: CSF15 #Day363 #Wednesday #January #21
Sam_Mason Photography: CSF14 #Day297 #Sunday #November #16