andre-bellefleur: Tohi a flancs roux
andre-bellefleur: La Lune The Moon
andre-bellefleur: Buse de Harris
buckspix25: RRB_7659_00001
buckspix25: RRB_7776_00001
buckspix25: RRB_7168_00001
buckspix25: RRB_7606_00001
buckspix25: RRB_7630_00001
buckspix25: RRB_7121_00001
buckspix25: RRB_6396_00001
Doug Greenberg: Killdeer
Doug Greenberg: White-crowned sparrow
Doug Greenberg: Fox sparrow
Frédéric Lecieux: Bruant jaune
Frédéric Lecieux: Rougegorge
Frédéric Lecieux: Spatule blanche
Frédéric Lecieux: Phoque veau marin
Frédéric Lecieux: Cygnes tuberculés
Frédéric Lecieux: Spatule blanche
Frédéric Lecieux: Ibis falcinelle
Frédéric Lecieux: Grande aigrette
Frédéric Lecieux: Grèbe castagneux
Frédéric Lecieux: Chardonneret élégant
Doug Greenberg: Phooey on people
Doug Greenberg: Marbled godwit
Doug Greenberg: Long-billed curlew with attitude
Doug Greenberg: American coot
Doug Greenberg: Green-winged teal
Doug Greenberg: Northern mockingbird