Marit Buelens: Puffins! (please read) [Explored]
howard1916 - A Man and his camera: Sanderling on the Shore (2) or are they Sandpipers with unusual colouring to foot?
Ted Smith 574: Todayโ€™s star bird from the Scilly pelagic - Great Shearwater ๐Ÿ˜Š
JoeyCooke: Isles of Scilly Golden Pheasant
Ted Smith 574: Pomarine Skua
Ted Smith 574: Greenish Warbler, Scilly 2018
Ted Smith 574: Red-Backed Shrike In flight
Ted Smith 574: morning stretch
Ted Smith 574: Red-Backed Shrike on the move...
Ted Smith 574: Tawny Pipit
Ted Smith 574: See you next year ๐Ÿ‘‹๐Ÿ‘‹
Ted Smith 574: Thereโ€™s something in the water!
Ted Smith 574: bad hair day ๐Ÿ˜Š
Ted Smith 574: Wheatear
Ted Smith 574: Odd one out ๐Ÿ˜Š
Ted Smith 574: Greenish Warbler
Ted Smith 574: Greenshank
nottusnitram: DSCF7301
Ted Smith 574: Greenish Warbler
Ted Smith 574: Quick March #Rock Pipit
Ted Smith 574: Almost impossible to capture the Red-Backed Shrike in flight, just so quick
Ted Smith 574: Purple Sandpiper hiding in plain sight
Ted Smith 574: Common Dolphin. I also have 100 pictures of the ocean ๐Ÿ˜Š
Ted Smith 574: isnโ€™t she lovely? ๐ŸŽผ๐ŸŽถ
Ted Smith 574: Red Backed Shrike on St Agnes today
Ted Smith 574: Pomarine Skua from Scilly pelagic
Ted Smith 574: good morning Scilly Islands
Ted Smith 574: Seaside Robin
Ted Smith 574: Todayโ€™s fabulous Tawny Pipit on Bryher ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š