Studio d'Xavier: The Mosquito Authority of Manigotapi
Studio d'Xavier: La Gioconda studies da Vinci in 3D
Studio d'Xavier: The McDougal & Brown Research Laboratory Philharmonic Orchestra
Studio d'Xavier: With the restructuring of NASA's space exploration program, astronerds were tasked with finding alternative methods of studying our galaxy. After a failed snipe hunting trip in Manigotapi Mississippi, Silas developed the new sport of meteorite netting.
Studio d'Xavier: Herschel was a Woodwind Aficionado
massmedium1991: Gramma's Jam
*M-C1*: Thursday April 10th, 2014 Day 100 The 100 silly face of yours truly
*M-C1*: Monday March 31st, 2014 Day 90 Ooof!!!
*M-C1*: Saturday January 4th, 2014 Day 4 WTF???
Studio d'Xavier: The Perils of an Accordion Pregnancy or a 18 year old Boy's Worst Nightmare
Reeves College: Pizza and Dress-up Event at Reeves College in Calgary Alberta 024
Studio d'Xavier: January 7, 2013
*M-C1*: Etsy Self Portrait Thursday June 21st, 2012 Nothing says sexy more than a big ol' fish face.
cblorenaturefotos: Summer's here!
thamimzy: IMG_3662
*M-C1*: Etsy Self Portrait Thursday March 15th, 2012 Et Tu, Brute?
*M-C1*: Sunday February 19th, 2012 The Nonconformist
Studio d'Xavier: After Drinking Drambuie, Darrell Duke Dreams of Demi's Disasterous Drag
~ cynthiak ~: out of this world...
Catgunner: 2012-Day 51: Ultra-Dork
Studio d'Xavier: Facedown with a Caterpillar PM-201 Cold Planer
~ cynthiak ~: uninspired and unmotivated, holding an umbrella...
Kaptain Kobold: Hanging Tough
Kaptain Kobold: Aussie Kobold
thamimzy: Speech
thamimzy: You'd Think I'd Have Cooties
thamimzy: Carpe Dium