gallftree008: Frozen Fern 26-01-2018
gallftree008: Cormorant 26-01-2018
gallftree008: Dr Callaghan Bridge 29-10-2017
gallftree008: White Throated Dipper 26-01-2018
gallftree008: Robin Red Breast 002 29-10-2017
gallftree008: Cormorant 001 26-01-2018
gallftree008: Cormorant 003 26-01-2018
gallftree008: Cormorant 002 26-01-2018
irinamuyor1: pillada
irinamuyor1: Light's bokeh
irinamuyor1: Bokeh of today
irinamuyor1: Llegar a un lugar nuevo, aterrida y sin saber donde mirar...
gallftree008: Robin Red Breast 003 29-10-2017
irinamuyor1: Dog trainer
irinamuyor1: Temps de bolets
irinamuyor1: Friends
irinamuyor1: Green day
irinamuyor1: Hi ! I'm Rayo !
gallftree008: Grey Squirrel Eating Conker (Video Fuzzy at first second but clears!)
irinamuyor1: the dark macro
irinamuyor1: Black & green
irinamuyor1: good night😉
irinamuyor1: Macro nature
irinamuyor1: Santuari del Corredor. Amb pluja i mal temps
irinamuyor1: Macro nature
irinamuyor1: Macro. Filter Cpl 55mm