Petrovic: 2 x ATC
Petrovic: девојка са рибом (girl with a fish)
Petrovic: Слонче у порцeланској радњи (Baby elephant in porcelain store)
Petrovic: ATCs, four pieces.
Petrovic: слух (hearing)
Petrovic: Three definitive versions, UFO folklore Rtanj 1939.
Petrovic: Олгa (Olga)
Petrovic: Олгa (Olga)
Petrovic: All Seeing Eye ( Свевидеће око )
Petrovic: UFO folklore-pattern from fallen space ship
Petrovic: ATCs, 6 pieces
Petrovic: ATCs, 4 pieces
Petrovic: Babaroga stamp (limited edition,less than 100)
Petrovic: Smoking is health hazard (after La Gioconda)
Petrovic: Principaat da Dada, Babaroga stamp
Petrovic: Rouritania / Principaat da Dada stamps (sheet of 6)
Petrovic: I feel like I could not exist...
Petrovic: sheet of various stamps, Freelandeea
Petrovic: spaceman with a tool
Petrovic: spacemobil
Petrovic: Babarogic
Petrovic: red whale
Petrovic: angry woman with her new hat
Petrovic: Hand-made postcard (original drawing on cardboard, approx. 11 x 15 cm) No title.
telltalecreations.mixedmedia: polished | RR, July 2015
telltalecreations.mixedmedia: Dream Caused by the Flight of a Bee...
Keet G: Echo! Echo! #10