HYLA 2009: Satoyama, Japan 里山-高千穗
HYLA 2009: satoyama-里山-高千穗
HYLA 2009: 龍洞-黃金谷-20160807_183040
HYLA 2009: COCA草上飛2018-01
HYLA 2009: COCA草上飛2018-03
RJ Sta Maria: Beachin'
RJ Sta Maria: Shiela & Ivan
RJ Sta Maria: Angelica & Antonio
RJ Sta Maria: She's Got New Slippers
ChangYi Wu: On the way
HYLA 2009: 日本髭羚(ニホンカモシカ)-八ヶ岳(やつがたけ)-20170204_114710-LR
HYLA 2009: 大同心南稜-八ヶ岳(やつがたけ)-20170203_101353_01-LR
HYLA 2009: The sambar deer with innocent eyesight.(嘉明湖萌水鹿)
HYLA 2009: Corgi in Jungle-coca叢林基
RJ Sta Maria: For You
HYLA 2009: Coca-草上飛-客家文化園區-20170406_133026_02
RJ Sta Maria: Knowing More
RJ Sta Maria: Indigenous People
Luke Leung1993: 2017-12-29_01-56-25
Luke Leung1993: 無題
HYLA 2009: Corgi on air-Coca上班去-2017
RJ Sta Maria: Simple Yet Joyful Celebration of Chinese New Year
Luke Leung1993: 上年的記憶。
Luke Leung1993: 重新出發。
HYLA 2009: COCA雪訓-雪地合歡山-霸王寒流-20160124-095416-LR
HYLA 2009: COCA雪訓-雪地合歡山-霸王寒流-20160124-100518-LR
HYLA 2009: 烏岩角-20151108_120959
- 牡 丹 -: 《逆光的男人》 致廷 陳 喜歡男友這張的笑容