andrefromont: Un sourire supérieur
dou_ble_you: rubber drugette
Maya Loo: Extrait "Occident oxydé"
Jon Mangaba: solitude
dou_ble_you: Directions
andrefromont: Là où la terre penche
dou_ble_you: It is my big pleasure to present Akrasia Propaganda
dou_ble_you: Danzig
dou_ble_you: The Manuscript Found in the Frisbee Aquarium
JGF015: shadowDANCE-10
dou_ble_you: A Poem for a City
dou_ble_you: concrete poetry
Ilia Farniev: cityLIGHTS_05
dou_ble_you: Tachanka
andrefromont: En mouvement
dou_ble_you: Film (re) Noir
incandescente boy: Oppenhermir de crió / Oppenhermir as a child
dou_ble_you: 231123
amarcord108: Woman Writing
dou_ble_you: God is Great
dou_ble_you: Underground
dou_ble_you: Who breaks a butterfly upon a wheel?
JGF015: addWATER_09
dou_ble_you: Sweet Thing
Ilia Farniev: newSHADOW_12