Entropía radiante: The path isn't too long, but when you are in it, the life expand beyond any ending, I love you VB..
Stitch: walking along Quiapo
kawkawpa: Posing
Ken CTHong 達觀: 植物園2
Ken CTHong 達觀: Sunday in the park 台北花博 圓山
ethempekin: love is...
Ken CTHong 達觀: cure all ear problems
mattbed_images: défaire_______deshacer_______to undo (I)
mattbed_images: rêver !_______¡ soñar !_______to dream!
mattbed_images: multiplicity
mattbed_images: toujours fuir...___siempre huir...___always run away...
mattbed_images: sidewalk story-1: he shouldn't have...
ethempekin: animal farm
ethempekin: close
ethempekin: enmanque
ethempekin: old man on the pavement
ethempekin: rejim
ethempekin: tadim
CHW_nao: Night
CHW_nao: Sapporo