cahos55: Veryarc'h dessin de plage stéphane Marie septembre 2011
João Pedro, uai!: "And I discovered that my castles stand/Upon pillars of sand"
João Pedro, uai!: Simple life at night...
lan5280: 花東緃谷
lan5280: 469集錦
lan5280: IMG_1060
cassifalcao: Big Tree and Big House
cassifalcao: Disabled railway linking Argentina to Chile _ Andes Mountain Range
João Pedro, uai!: Feliz Dia dos Namorados!
lan5280: 夏荷
lan5280: 北橫槭紅
lan5280: Nobody will come
João Pedro, uai!: Between the dark and the shadows...
Varinia =): El baile del turbante?¿
João Pedro, uai!: De noite no quintal...
João Pedro, uai!: Being romantic?
lan5280: 夏荷
lan5280: 夏荷
lan5280: 夏荷
lan5280: 夏荷
lan5280: 夏荷
lan5280: 夏荷
lan5280: 夏荷
lan5280: 夏荷
lan5280: 夏荷