tomblandford: Alder Flycatcher
tomblandford: Indigo Bunting
tomblandford: Baltimore Oriole
tomblandford: Western Kingbird
tomblandford: Black-crowned Night Heron
tomblandford: Preening Ibis
tomblandford: Yellow-headed Blackbird
tomblandford: American Avocets
tomblandford: Ferruginous Hawk Light Phase
tomblandford: Wild Turkey (Merriam's Subspecies)
tomblandford: American White Pelicans (and friends)
tomblandford: Wild Turkey (Merriam's Subspecies)
tomblandford: Swainson's Hawk
tomblandford: Bald Eagle
tomblandford: No More Room
tomblandford: Steller's Jay
tomblandford: Canada Jay
nadiamarilindelfino: Cardenal....
tomblandford: Arrival and Departure
tomblandford: Rock Wren
tomblandford: Mourning Dove In The Badlands
tomblandford: Long-billed Curlew
tomblandford: Surfbird
tomblandford: Marbled Godwit
tomblandford: Willet