perrygrl: Postively8thSt
ReyGuy: bye bye Xena....
perrygrl: dog wearing shoes, Chelsea
perrygrl: dogs curious about TTV, Chelsea
perrygrl: blue & green diagonals, Chelsea
sproutgrrl: Kepler TtV
mulevaline: DigBigRedNail----Diguana
mulevaline: MaxMouth
mulevaline: Max at Barn
Uncle Bicycle: Ghost Dog
The Sundry Light: Lexi and Luca
perrygrl: Marilyn & Vonnnie like to ham it up for the camera
ashi: Nobody knows the trouble I've seen...
ReyGuy: Ann's dogs - Rose, front-rear, diptych
ReyGuy: Ann's dogs - Rose, diptych
ashi: Big poodle, small car
escimages: Rollei Dog
ashi: Baby. The princess cat. At least SHE thinks so.
perrygrl: Marilyn, early Monday morning
perrygrl: Vonnie lounging in the Darwinian garden
ReyGuy: Noodle, profile
ReyGuy: Noodle and our red hydrant
SweetiePea: ttv Sadie
ReyGuy: another fish tail
ReyGuy: Tetra triptych
perrygrl: a man wearing a flag and his pet
LynchM0B1: Nobody Nose...
mulevaline: man & dog on hillside