tfenix80: DSC_0044
-Bachir: The newborn foal
R. M. Marti: Chocolate with a touch of vanilla
DieterLo1: „Kleiner Donner“ in den Live Yakari-Indianer-Pferde-Shows. Ein Appaloosa, auf dem Yakari ( Alfons Wille) reitet. Diese Show ist in vielen Städten Deutschlands zu sehen.
DieterLo1: Horse - seen in Germany in the State Rheinland-Pfalz
DieterLo1: Horse and Rider seen near Airport Frankfurt in Germany
DieterLo1: Working Horse - Hessenpark Germany - The next Tour with the Horses and Wagon will start soon - just a short break
'Diane: IMG_5772 copy
'Diane: IMG_5768 copy
'Diane: IMG_5771 copy
-Bachir: The thing about the white horse -c
-Bachir: The thing about the white horse -a
-Bachir: On horses -3
-Bachir: Back to the stable
-Bachir: On horses -1
-Bachir: Horse -c
-Bachir: Horse -a
-Bachir: Equine sadness
-Bachir: Close to the horse -a
-Bachir: Close to the horse -b
qrpgdwlv25: Pferde
qrpgdwlv25: Pferde
qrpgdwlv25: Pferde
Bildo M: L1000233-Web2
'Diane: IMG_3818 copy
'Diane: IMG_3822 copy
'Diane: IMG_3817 copy
'Diane: IMG_3805 copy
'Diane: IMG_3804 copy
'Diane: IMG_3720 copy