Scotland by NJC.: The River Windrush runs under five Cotswold Limestone bridges in Bourton-on-the-Water. With wide grassed and tree-lined main street, visitors throng along its banks to rest, drink and take in the ambience of "The Venice of the Cotswolds."
VisualEyesit: For our sins
VisualEyesit: White cross under warm sky
VisualEyesit: Happy St Patrick’s Day ☘️
VisualEyesit: Bourton blossoms
Scotland by NJC.: The River Windrush runs under five Cotswold Limestone bridges just like the one in shot, in Bourton-on-the-Water. Visitors throng along its banks to rest, drink and take in the ambience of "The Venice of the Cotswolds."
ln3589: River Windrush
ln3589: Model Village 2
ln3589: Model Village 1
Scotland by NJC.: The River Windrush runs under five Cotswold Limestone bridges just like the one in shot. With a wide grassed and tree-lined main street, as here, visitors throng along its banks to rest, drink and take in the ambience of "The Venice of the Cotswolds."
VisualEyesit: Upon reflection, The Bench awaits
VisualEyesit: Winter Sunshine
ibboykbn52: Cotswold delight
VisualEyesit: Reflections
VisualEyesit: Bourton-on-the-Water in the Snowtime.
VisualEyesit: Crisp evening walk
VisualEyesit: dog on a bridge
VisualEyesit: Homeward, Sun to my back, Clouds ahead afire, Home’s warmth, easing winter’s chill.
VisualEyesit: Winter dusk
VisualEyesit: Queen Elizabeth bridge leading into Bourton on the Water
VisualEyesit: Over the bridge
VisualEyesit: Sun setting across the water
VisualEyesit: Jack’s out painting with the icing
VisualEyesit: River Eye overflowing in the Last sunset of 2020
VisualEyesit: 2020 has taken a lot from me. I have endured as most of us have. I’ve got this far, no reason to not go further...
VisualEyesit: So this is Christmas, A new kind of one, Autumn’s last leaves almost gone
VisualEyesit: Another peaceful day in the Cotswolds
VisualEyesit: Rust and regret