floating_stump: The Gugg
Mr McHaddock: bored at home I
ault2: Hey Putin
floating_stump: Lion's Den Gorge County Park
helenoftheways: shifting sh*t
Mr McHaddock: sunday, monday, happy days
_honez: Ferret Scout Car
korafotomorgana: tiny bubbles
korafotomorgana: ditched
floating_stump: heartbeat
EvisNP: IMG_1997
EvisNP: IMG_1886
Paul L Dineen: [1/160 f/5 ISO 320; 7D2] Cannon firing after a Fort Morgan Mustangs score in their 47-0 win over Northridge (Greeley, Colorado); 70-200/2.8 - PLDL7385
EvisNP: IMG_2851
floating_stump: Milwaukee Blacksmith
Paul L Dineen: "It's a suicide squeeze! Stop daydreaming and bunt!"
EvisNP: Illegal knot that the scouts banned...
floating_stump: boys and their toys
EvisNP: IMG_2316
Topeeka: Killdeer with Killdoe...?
EvisNP: IMG_2201
Woof (Ken Irvine): Chilly day at Rhinefields in the New Forest
Topeeka: Born in Kansas, Bread in Kansas.......
Woof (Ken Irvine): Proper Pusser's Rum
Woof (Ken Irvine): Oi - I've spoken to you before about sudden braking.