Ioan BACIVAROV Photography: Girl with blue dress
Ioan BACIVAROV Photography: Photographing autumn - 1
Ioan BACIVAROV Photography: Waiting for spring
adriandinescu: Beautiful Geanina
oneday5onenight: Tourist in Romania
Ioan BACIVAROV Photography: Sânziene - a Romanian folkloric tradition in the fairies' honor
Ioan BACIVAROV Photography: February, 24th: Dragobete, the traditional lovers’ day in Romania:folkloric traditions-1
Ioan BACIVAROV Photography: On a dike from Mamaia, Black Sea
Ioan BACIVAROV Photography: November 29th - St. Andrew's night folkloric traditions: girls could find their future husbands...
Ioan BACIVAROV Photography: Girl in autumn -1
Ioan BACIVAROV Photography: Women & cars - A successful combination (9)