BluebellRidgeHandworks: Quilt of Valor - October 2016 Faith Circle Quilt
BluebellRidgeHandworks: Quilt of Valor - October 2016 Faith Circle Quilt
BluebellRidgeHandworks: Quilt of Valor - October 2016 Faith Circle Quilt
BluebellRidgeHandworks: Completed quilt top
greeneyedsilversmith: QOV layout planning. Moda one stars and string blocks, plus my redhead is helping with the paper removal and making of tea.
greeneyedsilversmith: My redheaded helper.
enovember: Quilts of Valor meeting in Long Beach, CA
enovember: Quilts of Valor meeting in Long Beach, CA
enovember: Quilts of Valor meeting in Long Beach, CA
greeneyedsilversmith: QOV top finish
greeneyedsilversmith: First QOV top of 2014
greeneyedsilversmith: QOVs ready to ship
enovember: Quilt of Valor
greeneyedsilversmith: stitching detail of waves QOV
greeneyedsilversmith: stitching detail
greeneyedsilversmith: stitching detail
greeneyedsilversmith: my son checking out his QOV
Linda McKee Kau: Signataure Stars
Linda McKee Kau: Moda Star Blocks
Linda McKee Kau: Stars and Stripes for QOV
Linda McKee Kau: Triple Irish Chain
nkiblueeyes: Crooked Cabin in the Cotton
nkiblueeyes: Quilt of Valor
Linda McKee Kau: Disappearing 9-Patch Star #1
Linda McKee Kau: Disappearing 9-Patch Star