MissionControl: speakers at the 7th HacDC Lightning Talks
MissionControl: USB keys loaded with the Byzantium live linux distro for ad-hoc wireless mesh networking
MissionControl: scalemate plushie made by The Doctor
MissionControl: crowd of people at HacDC's maker faire table
MissionControl: HacDC's table at the Silver Spring Mini Maker Faire
MissionControl: Haxwithaxe, The Doctor, and Sitwon representing HacDC
MissionControl: HacDC will have handmade prints to give out at the Silver Spring Mini Maker Faire
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MissionControl: HacDC has a laser!
MissionControl: soldering header pins to an XBee Module breakout board
MissionControl: playing with conductive fruit at HacDC's MaKey MaKey Monday
rileyporter: 3d vase print
MissionControl: HacDC's new Prusa Mendel prints a spocktopus
MissionControl: Sitwon, Haxwithaxe, and The Doctor present Project Byzantium
rileyporter: Shark tooth driver...