feldenchrist: Listerine, 1937
epiclectic: s u p e r - s u c k e r
epiclectic: p a n c a k e s
epiclectic: g a m s
epiclectic: h o p e . c h e s t
feldenchrist: Helen Hated School, 1938
feldenchrist: Ovaltine, 1936
feldenchrist: Rippled Wheat, 1936
feldenchrist: Loretta Young for Lux, 1936
feldenchrist: Lifebuoy, 1941
feldenchrist: Tussy, 1945
Matthew Paul Argall - Old Ads: 1947 advertisement for Rinso laundry soap
epiclectic: a l l u r i n g l y . s m o o t h
Matthew Paul Argall - Old Ads: 1948 advertisement for Colgate Dental Cream
epiclectic: s w a l l o w s
Matthew Paul Argall - Old Ads: 1932 advertisement for Rinso laundry soap
epiclectic: r i c h . s u d s
feldenchrist: Lux, Late 1930s, Early 40s
epiclectic: k i t c h e n . d u t y
epiclectic: g r a n d . b a l l s
feldenchrist: Comic Wallpaper
feldenchrist: Cashmere Bouquet, 1938
feldenchrist: Oxydol, 1944
feldenchrist: Palmolive, 1937
feldenchrist: Rinso, 1929
feldenchrist: Palmolive, 1937
feldenchrist: Lux, 1937
feldenchrist: Lifebuoy and Rinso 1934
Alan Mays: I Want You To Be My Valentine
feldenchrist: Dictaphone, 1951