Getty72: Retro
Getty72: Umbrellas 001
Getty72: Another Perspective
Getty72: April showers
jax allen: peace
RogerDman: Second Shotz 16
RogerDman: Second Shots #15
jax allen: book
RogerDman: Second Shotz #14
Fauxtographical: M'eye sister
RogerDman: Second Shotz #13
mothman0: secondshotz12
RogerDman: Second Shotz #12
mothman0: secondshotz11
kinnigurl: Desert henge
jax allen: tower of light
RogerDman: Second Shots #11
kinnigurl: Night vision
Fauxtographical: Postcard from the Edge
_peteej_: Second Shotz 10
jax allen: OH Hell
RogerDman: Second Shotz #10
mothman0: secondshotz09
_peteej_: Second Shotz #9
Fauxtographical: Mano a Mano
RogerDman: Second Shotz #9
RogerDman: Second Shotz #8