2jsworldofadventure: Lion, Chobe National Park, Botswana 20230525
unatalsandrita: Dum spiro spero
Perkins-Boyer Photos: "Tree Climbing" Lion
FoxbatOne: Panthera leo
Iceman_2222: Rongkai Pride siblings. Masai Mara
veronica.etherington: Safari0302
CaptureandShoots: Lion - South Africa
Ron Fredrick: Locked on...the intense focus of a young lion's stare
Ron Fredrick: A lion cub "teenager"...still too young to hunt on its own but old enough to grab enough to eat from the pride's latest kill
Ron Fredrick: Three very young lion cubs play under their mom's watchful eye
CaptureandShoots: Young Lions...Who's looking at who?
Ron Fredrick: A young lioness rests along with her siblings after feasting on a kill in the rocky foothills of Kenya (note the traces of blood on her face and whiskers) - =>Please click twice to see maximum size<=
Perkins-Boyer Photos: "Tree Climbing" Lion
Each Moment the Universe: A Masai lion rests in the shade of an Acacia tree
desterline: Lioness
desterline: Lioness
desterline: Lioness after a meal
desterline: Lioness