Enchanted Loom: Bosco di Faggi
Enchanted Loom: Vigneto nelle Cinque terre
Enchanted Loom: Vigneto nelle Cinque terre
Etching Stone: when the waiter slides on the marbles
Etching Stone: flying bird
Enchanted Loom: Cinque terre
Enchanted Loom: Piemonte d'inverno
Enchanted Loom: Down by the river - Neil Young
Etching Stone: blue cross without black background
Etching Stone: way down south
Enchanted Loom: Uomo con barca
Etching Stone: du fickst mich ins knie 5
Enchanted Loom: Luci ed ombre
Enchanted Loom: Parco di Monza
Enchanted Loom: Parco di Monza
Mimina Art Lab: S.Rossetti
NYKat33: “Finding Your Own Prospective” Artist Drawing. “The only thing you sometimes have control over is perspective. You don't have control over your situation. But you have a choice about how you view it”. Chris Pine
Enchanted Loom: Acquerello
Enchanted Loom: Paesaggio Toscano