LazyBlu Blythe: Sapphire ❤️ Blu ........Sisterhood
atattooed **tiffany**: A little Milky Robot love for the weekend.
Jennatomic: Ok FINE, but give me back MY hat!!....
Jennatomic: C'mon we can share, can't we?
Jennatomic: Roxy non-identical twins!
Jennatomic: My new Roxy twins: One Shiny, One Matt - which do u prefer?
Duchess Ravenwaves: 17/52 The Twins in Chu Things
Duchess Ravenwaves: 13/52 & then there were two...
Duchess Ravenwaves: Margene & Deirdre
atattooed **tiffany**: Double Trouble
atattooed **tiffany**: Blythe A Day - Dec. 17 - Presents
atattooed **tiffany**: Nala and Nash
obsessivelystitching - StitchWhipped: ADAD 290/366 -- Dubba Wubba!
obsessivelystitching - StitchWhipped: ADAD 285/366 -- Middie Cords!
gemmipopdesigns: My Kenner Girls!
Vainilladolly: Febe and Phoibe
Vainilladolly: I will share with you what i only keep for myself
Vainilladolly: Do not be sad Febe. Ningun lugar está lejos....
Vainilladolly: I´ll be there with you all along
Vainilladolly: Sia- Man i can't believe i had a sister and i didn't know!
♠ Maffy ♠: Apple & Caramelo
♠ Maffy ♠: Apple & Caramelo
♠ Maffy ♠: Apple & Caramelo6
♠ Maffy ♠: Apple & Caramelo
♠ Maffy ♠: Apple & Caramelo