Editorial Martín Fierro: Arcos y puntos
Joan Scher: Effects
wystemd: Cliffs
Wuzbug: “Ballet.” Started today. A Study of a painting by Dame Laura Knight DBE. RA. To be continued in Luminance pencil tomorrow. After standing in front of the original and sketching the beginning of this study of the painting in graphite pencil.
Wuzbug: Last session. painting by jmsw in Gouache. Gresford Lake, North Wales.
Wuzbug: “Cat in the garden.” Ballpoint pen only drawing by jmsw on sketch book paper.
Artist KL: Old Rapides Bank / Alexandria, LA
Wuzbug: Two stages of a sketch portrait by jmsw on 300gsm smooth card. A diluted ink brush drawing
Wuzbug: “The Cellist.” Brush ink sketch on card.by jmsw.
Wuzbug: Saxophonist doodle by jmsw, brush diluted ink, on sketch book paper.
Jeff in St Kilda: Papavera Mittes in situ
claudionimuc: Monument C
claudionimuc: Eclisse totale di luna
Wuzbug: Diluted ink brush portrait drawing by jmsw on Sketch book paper.
Wuzbug: Experimental diluted ink Brush drawing by jmsw.
claudionimuc: A Melville
claudionimuc: Neve fluttuante
Wuzbug: Ballpoint pen cat Portrait with scribble background, drawn by jmsw on 300gsm smooth card.
claudionimuc: Antico tempio su una collina deserta
Wuzbug: Diluted ink brush drawing by jmsw on 300gsm smooth card.
lwdphoto: Sinatra - Legends of the Pipe.
Wuzbug: Diluted Ink Brush sketch portrait by jmsw on 300gsm smooth card
pleech96: P9. A2. Yellow Roses
pleech96: A10. A12. Infinite Doodles on a Wall
Wuzbug: Ballpoint pen portrait drawing by jmsw on 300gsm smooth card.
claudionimuc: Contaminazione 35
claudionimuc: Contaminazione 47
V.Plut: End of Winter, Rural Kendall County, Illinois