(nazzaro massimiliano): Punkt und Linie zu Fläche
▲ La_Greghy ▲: Shine All You
observing silence: Aeroport T1
osk038: Kuala Lumpur
observing silence: Cassà de la Selva
observing silence: nuova monteluce
observing silence: rione ferrovia
▲ La_Greghy ▲: #casettanostra #nofilters #minorca #menorca #ciutadella #balears #menorcaexisteix #menorcaeyes #art_chitecture #ihaveathingforwalls
observing silence: Blissful Ignorance
observing silence: the B plan
observing silence: the hanged man
observing silence: the Dirac's equation
observing silence: the grieving process
vincentaths: Yes, booze does grow on trees.
vincentaths: Strawberry and matcha
vincentaths: Angels on branches