kevindaly24: Not Times Square
kevindaly24: River Reflection
kevindaly24: Fast food delivered
kevindaly24: Tail spin
kevindaly24: Breakfast Time
kevindaly24: Pheasant release 080
kevindaly24: The Black and White
kevindaly24: The goose
kevindaly24: The contorsionist
kevindaly24: knockadoon head
kevindaly24: The view.
kevindaly24: Morning Dew
kevindaly24: The Jet Stream
kevindaly24: The multi coloured brute
Bhaskar.: A lens & A headset!
kevindaly24: DSC_1924
kevindaly24: The Feline Portrait
kevindaly24: Gosling
Stef. Broos: Tower Bridge
kevindaly24: nightbridge
kevindaly24: mirrored image
kevindaly24: Its not Black and White
kevindaly24: Feeding frenzy
kevindaly24: Irelands venice
kevindaly24: The Brooklyn Bridge
kevindaly24: Church in the Fog
Art Lewis: Gayle's Bridge
Art Lewis: Walkway
kevindaly24: Take off
ARahm@n: Deby