acarnar: DSC_8391
EdZiomek: Liaoning Stadium, Beijing: Google Earth and Adobe Photoshop show King and Queen portraits UNDER the playing field
EdZiomek: "Staircase to Heaven" at Teotihuacan: Coincidence, Imagination, or Historical Fact?
EdZiomek: Beijing main Temple Complex Layout is similar to St. Peters in Rome, and Teotihuacan in Mexico, but 5 times larger
Taotzu Chang: [urban-landscape] National Yang Ming University
tayuwu: 陽明_6
tayuwu: 陽明_2
tayuwu: 陽明_3
EdZiomek: Southern Taiwan, facing South
Taotzu Chang: 傳乙
Taotzu Chang: congratulate lsshno1 on graduation
Taotzu Chang: asymmetry
Taotzu Chang: roof top
Taotzu Chang: 軍艦岩 warship rock
Taotzu Chang: watch out your neck!
Taotzu Chang: who opened the sky?
Taotzu Chang: a path
Taotzu Chang: earth skin
Taotzu Chang: 384,000km
lsshno1: 登高 杜甫
lsshno1: 軍艦岩
lsshno1: 軍艦岩
Taotzu Chang: 340/365