stickey: Brickmania T90-MS
stickey: G.R. Special Ops
stickey: TMC Day III Figs
stickey: Brickmania Hind
Zeessi: Space Castle Ork, Weird War II German weapons meister, Witch, Dying Goblin
sirzoren: axill
sirzoren: sword man
sirzoren: drop sniper
sirzoren: black rain
sirzoren: apoc soldier (soldier of the rain)
sirzoren: cyclops
FortyK: UEAF Walker
montypythonfreak: l4d hunter and smoker
montypythonfreak: the mutty MUTT WILLIAMS
montypythonfreak: DSC_0066_0226
montypythonfreak: the mutty MUTT WILLIAMS
TheAllMightyOne: SH.PT. Heavy mortar artillery
TheAllMightyOne: SH.PT. Heavy mortar artillery
TheAllMightyOne: SH.PT. Heavy mortar artillery
TheAllMightyOne: SH.PT. Heavy mortar artillery
Zeessi: Samurai Lightsuit
Zeessi: Samurai Lightsuit (thrust)