Jan Krux Photography: Overlooking The Hills
Ignacio Leal: Juegos al atardecer
Ignacio Leal: Fynbos daisies
Ignacio Leal: On the beach
Jan Krux Photography: Dragon On Spiky Throne
Jan Krux Photography: Colorful Killer
Jan Krux Photography: Dragonfly And Her Nymph
Elena Ioganson: A lawn of white sand and plants of Pelargonium proliferum growing there.
Elena Ioganson: Didelta carnosa var. tomentosa (Asteraceae)
Elena Ioganson: Monsonia patersonii (syn. Sarcocaulon patersonii)
Ignacio Leal: Protea
Ignacio Leal: The sun and the tower
Ignacio Leal: The southern "chrysanthemum"
Ignacio Leal: The patient fisher
Ignacio Leal: The never-ending worker
Rana Pipiens: Not from Japan. Nerine sarniensis, Guernsey Lily, and Eurypos lateriflorus, Hortus Botanicus, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Jan Krux Photography: Fighting For ...
Jan Krux Photography: Elephants Eye
Jan Krux Photography: Cape Gannets
Jan Krux Photography: Central Kalahari National Park
Ignacio Leal: Low flight
Ignacio Leal: Testing the breeze
Jan Krux Photography: Close Encounter
Jan Krux Photography: Soaring The African Skies
Ignacio Leal: Salty sands
Ignacio Leal: in-flight maneuvers
Ignacio Leal: Lady weaver