kawanet: Browser Crasher(ブラクラ)
stijnannendijck: my finder icon is asocial today
fason: Double Mac Fail
Gwênlyn: POP server angst
carrie sandoval: My Mac needs coffee.
jd_wages: Boot time error with System 6 on Mac 512k
googlisti: iMac
googlisti: iMac disastro
googlisti: iMac
luxuryluke: Error in drive
mray: Mr. Chippy FAIL
.hj barraza: crashed dead powerbook
jtbandes: Menu Bar Fail
Jan Michael Ihl: Die wahrscheinlich längste Fehlermeldung der Welt
i_a_n: Oops
Swerz: Crash
Breuls: Oy!
Alfred Hermida: Oh dear
keynesiandream: Verbose Mode.jpg
jaymeydad: MacFail
jaymeydad: MacFail - cursor only mode
steveguberman: illustrator_crash
rcrowley: Big iPhone at the Apple Store
nicoladagostino: network fluttuante
nicoladagostino: memoria_insufficiente
biotron: alarming screen crash
ginader: OS X Leopard System Chrash Art