jacdro2012: Merry Christmas
jacdro2012: Meditation
johan heutink: Barbara
williamklerx: “Think of all the beauty still left around you and be happy.
dpvandermolen: The boss
resiga.cristian: the man of the mountains
resiga.cristian: on a story
williamklerx: “strenght-faith-hope-love”
Leo van Zanten - Photo Art: 1. Openlucht Museum Arnhem - Wasknaap
williamklerx: “I just want to be wonderful.”
williamklerx: “I like nonsense, it wakes up the brain cells. Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living.”
tuficek: Saska
resiga.cristian: feminitate
belivuk84: IMG_1766a
williamklerx: “Girls are always at their best smiling.”
williamklerx: “A friend is a gift you give yourself.”
williamklerx: “Birth is the greatest miracle.”
williamklerx: “Sometimes people are beautiful. Not in looks. Not in what they say. Just in what they are.”