Bajy: Lille, la gare vers la mi-décembre
sinecan: Şemsiyeler...
sinecan: Ah o gemide ben de olsaydım! :)
"Qualle": detail of ....
"Qualle": waiting for Tarzan
"Qualle": in the glass
"Qualle": l'oublié
"Qualle": even candles have to do 35 h at work !
"Qualle": code 120570
sinecan: Rusya Federasyonu
"Qualle": allez-y poussez....poussez les avants de....
"Qualle": chemney in flower
"Qualle": alep
sinecan: Orijinal!
"Qualle": love this material (beton)
sinecan: sarı balık!
Ania100: LET IT BE...
DaffyDuke: Non Au Nucléaire
sinecan: tespih
DaffyDuke: Chasse Au Trésor
"Qualle": be clean
"Qualle": not quiiiiickly .......coooooool
"Qualle": not to do this year !
Ania100: Kolorowy świat...
"Qualle": Solex 3800
DaffyDuke: Un Samedi à Lille
sinecan: Paraşütçü!
sinecan: ördek-2
sinecan: ...