*M-C1*: Monday February 17th, 2014 Day 48 A tribute to the opening scene with "Casey Becker"
Benkard: SANTO
miriness: Stop telephoning me-ee-ee
uninvented colors: Pulling His Hair Out
kendra,my dear: Now I'm tryna make sense of what little remains
DrFireball: Scream
Duke of Gnarlington: the forsaken
David McCreath: Jerry Lee Lewis face
tonx: ack!
modbuster: screms of anguis
modbuster: screms of anguis
The Goat Whisperer: 560 of 365
moiics: wicked12
moiics: wicked13
Post it note.....: teenage angst (a little clich'e but it happens now and then)
ja | castillo: 365 : 344 [let it out]
The Goat Whisperer: 363 of 365
putctycutie: 19/365 year 2
isedbell: Day 233/365
The Goat Whisperer: 290 of 365
ja | castillo: 365 : 225 [downward spiral]
modbuster: screms of zuchinni anguis
Amadika: G* day 15 - tantrum
ireland4517: 365 : 89 ~ A + B = FAW Q
Moses Sihombing: bulbul si kucing menjerit !
ja | castillo: 365 : 210 [talk to the hand]
Amadika: day 206 - you're freaking me out !
tearfulassassin: Rehearsal, July 2008: Checkmate
*M-C1*: My version of Leeloo Dallas from The Fifth Element