alainGB: Boîtes des systèmes Macintosh (Mac) 6, 7, 8 et 10
alainGB: Macintosh SE (1987) avec le jeux d’échec Sargon III
alainGB: T.A.M Apple
alainGB: Apple Lisa (1983 / 1984) bientôt à la maison !
blakespot: Enhanced Apple IIe with SCRG Switch-A-Slot
blakespot: Wouldn't replace this with a Mac Studio
kenfagerdotcom: Applesoft BASIC
blakespot: Birthday card from my daughter (not by FrogDesign...)
alainGB: Flight Simulator 1 sur Apple II (1981)
alainGB: Jeu Bruce Lee (1984) sur Apple IIc
blakespot: Did _you _ have An Apple Christmas?
alainGB: Flight Simulator 1 sur Apple IIc (1981)
alainGB: Joystick Apple IIe, IIc
alainGB: Sur Apple IIc le jeu "Computer Conflict" 1980
alainGB: TAM Apple
alainGB: Game Apple II / Rebel Charge at Chickamauga SSI
blakespot: Apple ][ Forever...
splorp: Cassette
kenfagerdotcom: GB_0145
blakespot: BBSing on a rainy Sunday afternoon
pdweinstein: Apple Park
kenfagerdotcom: Apple //e Cards
kenfagerdotcom: Contiki Web Server
Cameron_Talley: Thanks for the new Desktop background, Apple!
kenfagerdotcom: Mac OS 9
kenfagerdotcom: Apple IIe
blakespot: ANSI BBSing on the Apple IIgs for "BBS Week"
kenfagerdotcom: Floppy Emu