Gilbert Mercier: New-Orleans post Katrina Sept 2005: storm's wrecking ball
Gilbert Mercier: Down & Out in America: homeless couple. The misery of addiction in the heartland
Gilbert Mercier: Down & Out in America: homeless couple. The misery of addiction in the heartland
Gilbert Mercier: Down & Out in America: homeless couple. The misery of addiction in the heartland
Gilbert Mercier: Down & Out in America: homeless couple. The misery of addiction in the heartland
Gilbert Mercier: Down & Out in America: homeless couple. The misery of addiction in the heartland
Gilbert Mercier: Down & Out in America: homeless couple. The misery of addiction in the heartland
Gilbert Mercier: Down & Out in America: John is homeless vet with PTSD, he was walking on a deserted road on a cold rainy day
Gilbert Mercier: Down & Out in America: John is a homeless vet with PTSD,he was walking on a deserted road on a cold rainy day
Gilbert Mercier: Down & Out in America: John is a homeless veteran with PTSD walking on a deserted road on a cold rainy day
Gilbert Mercier: Richard is a 53-years-old homeless man, he has been homeless since 2009
joelschalit: Home banking. Neukölln, May 2015.
joelschalit: Hiding from the troops. Brussels Lockdown, November 2015.
Gilbert Mercier: Homeless in America: Richard is 53 years-old he has been homeless since 2009
Gilbert Mercier: Homeless in America: Richard is 53 years-old he has been homeless since 2009
Gilbert Mercier: Homeless in America: Richard is 53 years-old, he has been homeless since 2009
Gilbert Mercier: Homeless in America: Richard was 53 years-old in 2016. He had been homeless since 2009
Gilbert Mercier: Homeless in America: Richard is 53 years-old he has been homeless since 2009
 P-A: Bonne année 2017 ...
joelschalit: Sleeping with the customers. Piazza Vittorio antique market, November 2013.
joelschalit: Still life with pigeon. Genoa, July 2012.
Ryan Lemos: Catching some shuteye ..
Ryan Lemos: sleeping with the dog ..
joelschalit: In the lion's den. Avenue Louise, May 2014.
joelschalit: Forward to Karl-Marx-Straße. Neukölln, August 2016.
Gilbert Mercier: Homeless tent in December 2010, downtown LA skid row at sunrise
Gilbert Mercier: Homeless coming out of his tent at sunrise Dec. 2010 downtown LA
Gilbert Mercier: Homeless man with a self confessed heroin addiction
Gilbert Mercier: Homeless Dec. 2010 LA: homeless man from New Orleans displaced by Katrina
Gilbert Mercier: Homeless man with a self confessed heroin addiction