agedsenator: Corricella harbor
agedsenator: Procida terrace
mssmcst: Agave
mssmcst: Luna calante
agedsenator: Ski into the sunset
agedsenator: Procida laundry
agedsenator: Terrace
joeba32: “It was my destiny to love and say good-bye.” PN
mssmcst: Summer Time sadness
joeba32: La Chiesa un tempo assolveva i peccatori, oggi ha deciso di assolvere i peccati.
joeba32: Keep right and take the gate “Porto
joeba32: “Non le ho detto niente. La guardavo e m'innamoravo.” MT
joeba32: “The magic of the street is the mingling of the errand and the epiphany.” RS
joeba32: Procida, isola dell’anima
joeba32: “When life gives you twists and turns, chique yourself up in Italy!”
joeba32: Procida, la "meno in", più rustica ed autentica.
agedsenator: Chiaiolella
agedsenator: Procidan afternoon
agedsenator: Old boat
mssmcst: L'alba sul Vesuvio
agedsenator: Morning at sea
agedsenator: Procida -open staircase
joeba32: “The sea, once it casts its spell, holds one in its net of wonder forever.” JC
joeba32: La perla del golfo
joeba32: A glimpse of paradise.
joeba32: Santa Maria della Pietà. Procida
joeba32: Ogni storia è una storia infinita.
agedsenator: Procidan design.
joeba32: The Classic
joeba32: I like alleys. They are the backdoor to everything.