nicladam: Darla
j.ford50: She is very concerned about the squirrels
Darren Kirby: DK7_1709-3
nicladam: Melya
j.ford50: Adho Mukha Shvanasana
Whippet X: Parma
Whippet X: Mantova
Whippet X: Arezzo
Whippet X: Lila
Whippet X: Lila
j.ford50: Girl on the Stairs #8
j.ford50: Sentry of the Century
j.ford50: The real Mr Peanut Butter relaxing at home
nicladam: Darla
nicladam: Darla & Amélie
nicladam: DARLA
nicladam: DARLA
alik100: L1009910 1
alik100: image1[4842]
Whippet X: Arezzo
fran.fer: Nico, my friend.
luizhenriquelima: Sleeping peacefully
nicladam: Sensa
Caleb's Photography 324: Sometimes I question the morality of cages...
koborbw: Hungary, Budapest - Museum of Fine Arts
koborbw: Hungary, Budapest - Museum of Fine Arts
Boobert123: The king 2019-08-0
Caleb's Photography 324: You know...I had my dog for 6 months and I don't know her exact age 😂 So the first time I went to the vet he said she was about 2 1/2 so that would make her 3 now I think lol