Studio d'Xavier: Woman Asleep in the New Orleans Temple of Evangelitical Promise
kasa51: cluttered backyard
Studio d'Xavier: My arrival at Carol's 50th wedding anniversary. She still celebrates eventhough her husband was last seen seventeen years ago.
Studio d'Xavier: Probabilities of Survival in a Callous World
Montauke: Around Times Square
kasa51: colorful fruit and vegetable store
Studio d'Xavier: Mardi Gras through the Window at Washington and Walnut
kasa51: bicycle parking
J_Piks: Nathan Road Kowloon
J_Piks: Crewe Station
J_Piks: Luxembourg Station
J_Piks: Nurnberg Bahnhof
J_Piks: Las Vegas
Instagram: Photo_mania26: Preston City Traffic
J_Piks: Vancouver
Studio d'Xavier: Spot the Difference
J_Piks: La Gare de Strasbourg
J_Piks: Innsbruck Maria Theresien Strasse
kasa51: shopping street in Kyoto #1
Studio d'Xavier: The Violet Rope
Studio d'Xavier: Where Everyone is From
Studio d'Xavier: The Escape Artist
J_Piks: Dartford Bridge
kasa51: chaos and order
Montauke: Barbie shop window
Studio d'Xavier: Cotton Port Antique Mall
Studio d'Xavier: I think there should be something in science called the "reindeer effect." I don't know what it would be, but I think it'd be good to hear someone say, "Gentlemen, what we have here is a terrifying example of the reindeer effect."
Studio d'Xavier: The Garden Bench I Want