wojofoto: kathmandu
wojofoto: kathmandu 2016
Blas Torillo: La vida pasa
wojofoto: Morocco in Black and White
casa.m: Pranzo tra i peperoni
wojofoto: kathmandu 2016
wojofoto: kathmandu
Zita Kamugira: FACES that I love - Looking at me with a sweet smile
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wojofoto: streets of saigon
ONE-MILLION: MemorialDay64
ehem. Diether Petter: Schreibman
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wojofoto: kathmandu
wojofoto: kathmandu
wojofoto: kathmandu
wojofoto: kathmandu
wojofoto: kathmandu
wojofoto: kathmandu
VasiRed Bull 2013: '' Nothing is more exciting than to go back to a place where nothing changed, just to see how much you've changed you. "- Nelson Mandela
wojofoto: kathmandu
wojofoto: kathmandu
wojofoto: kathmandu
wojofoto: kathmandu 2016
wojofoto: kathmandu 2016
wojofoto: kathmandu 2016