DeLares (Eliud Martinez): DRIVE on, any direction will do....
DeLares (Eliud Martinez): A UF-FAUX of Desire
DeLares (Eliud Martinez): The right direction.....what's that? You Never know faux sure with Bushie boy........ From UFOs to UF-Faux....A Fauxto montage Series....
jarnocan: NoBu**Sh** Zone
DeLares (Eliud Martinez): Halloween Parade 10/05
DeLares (Eliud Martinez): Halloween Parade 10/05
igualmente: Topless
igualmente: DSC_1349
jarnocan: honest money
DeLares (Eliud Martinez): WAKE UP EVERYBODY!!! Come on, just reading his notes?
DeLares (Eliud Martinez): What would you do if you saw your nation going fascist? Former Head Of "Star Wars" Says Cheney Main 9/11 Suspect!
DeLares (Eliud Martinez): What would you do if you saw your nation going fascist?
DeLares (Eliud Martinez): Is there a direction? ....What direction? Oh, misdirection....or just plain, dangerous, bullsh-t?
jarnocan: women
DeLares (Eliud Martinez): Pt. I: Does anybody know what time it is? .......don't dili-Dali'....
jarnocan: Winter house
DeLares (Eliud Martinez): Been away for a couple of weeks...
jarnocan: IMPEACH BU**SH** regime HOLIDAY tree
DeLares (Eliud Martinez): Subversive FLICKR art
DeLares (Eliud Martinez): Sorry, the FLICKR page you are looking for....
jarnocan: Get Out There!
jarnocan: Chicks in Tortola
igualmente: Face Paint
DeLares (Eliud Martinez): This can't be happening.....