apfelauge: PIONER+POLIZIJA##
sonobugiardo: magazine - la donna - agosto 1854 - adv (33)
sonobugiardo: magazine - la donna - agosto 1854 - adv (32)
sonobugiardo: Trade cards for dry goods, garden seeds, baby syrup, chocolate, prints, clothing. Depictions of cocoa beans, slave in chains, babies, mother teaching
sonobugiardo: Calendars from 1877 and 1878, depicting flowers and angels
sonobugiardo: Calendars from 1877 and 1878, depicting flowers
Guy Clinch: 1925 logo, Standard Oil Company of New Jersey
sonobugiardo: Calendar from 1880 depicting a girl carrying flowers
sonobugiardo: Calendar from 1879 depicting a woman, child and birds
sonobugiardo: Calendar from 1878 with floral decorations
Halloween HJB: ROUSSEL, Arnold van. Fotografie Strauss, Rotterdam, c. 1910s.
Halloween HJB: Society brand clothes, 1910.
Halloween HJB: RHYS, Dyvenor. The Delineator, Oct 1934.
mikeyashworth: One-Line specimens of Ludlow typefaces, Rules, Ruleforme and Borders : booklet : Odhams Press Ltd., London : nd : c.1935 : inroduction 1
mikeyashworth: One-Line specimens of Ludlow typefaces, Rules, Ruleforme and Borders : booklet : Odhams Press Ltd., London : nd : c.1935 : introduction 2
mikeyashworth: One-Line specimens of Ludlow typefaces, Rules, Ruleforme and Borders : booklet : Odhams Press Ltd., London : nd : c.1935 : special effects
mikeyashworth: One-Line specimens of Ludlow typefaces, Rules, Ruleforme and Borders : booklet : Odhams Press Ltd., London : nd : c.1935 : specimens 2
mikeyashworth: One-Line specimens of Ludlow typefaces, Rules, Ruleforme and Borders : booklet : Odhams Press Ltd., London : nd : c.1935 : specimens
mikeyashworth: One-Line specimens of Ludlow typefaces, Rules, Ruleforme and Borders : booklet : Odhams Press Ltd., London : nd : c.1935 : Index to specimen lines 2
mikeyashworth: One-Line specimens of Ludlow typefaces, Rules, Ruleforme and Borders : booklet : Odhams Press Ltd., London : nd : c.1935 : Index to specimen lines 1
mikeyashworth: One-Line specimens of Ludlow typefaces, Rules, Ruleforme and Borders : booklet : Odhams Press Ltd., London : nd : c.1935 : the range of the Ludlow System
mikeyashworth: One-Line specimens of Ludlow typefaces, Rules, Ruleforme and Borders : booklet : Odhams Press Ltd., London : nd : c.1935 : cover
BioKnowlogy: Poster 050 - Tokyo - Brazilian Airlines
Guy Clinch: Both sides of a bit of 1888 political ephemera I just found that was used as a bookmark for The Complete Phonographer, a book published in 1888
OldAdMan: GENERAL DUAL 90 - 1957
OldAdMan: United States Rubber Company - 1946c
OldAdMan: US ROYAL Lifewall - 1953