yang 老闆: 台灣鳳蝶
Kei Kei Law: 斜斑彩灰蝶 Heliophorus epicles (Purple Sapphire)
ParcelBye: Skipper
Kei Kei Law: 白傘弄蝶 Bibasis gomata (Pale Awlet)
Kei Kei Law: 普福來灰蝶 Freyeria putli (Grass Jewel)
Kei Kei Law: 三斑趾弄蝶 Hasora badra (Common Awl)
Farang foto: A female Great Mormon butterfly
Kei Kei Law: 點玄灰蝶 Tongeia hainani (Bethune-Baker)
yang 老闆: 寬青帶
Ng Aomoa: Dodona egeon, The Orange Punch
Ng Aomoa: Dodona deodata , The White Punch
Ng Aomoa: Dodona deodata , The White Punch
Farang foto: A Mango Baron butterfly
Farang foto: The Dark Blue Tiger butterfly
Farang foto: A female Great Mormon
creaturesnapper: Dark-brand Bushbrown --- Mycalesis mineus
creaturesnapper: Lemon Pansy --- Junonia lemonias
creaturesnapper: Common Castor Butterfly --- Ariadne merione
creaturesnapper: Common Hedge Blue --- Acytolepis puspa
creaturesnapper: Club Silverline --- Cigaritis (Spindasis ) syama peguanus
Farang foto: A Common Evening Brown
creaturesnapper: Spotted Zebra --- Graphium megarus
Farang foto: A Psyche butterfly
Farang foto: A female Blue Pansy
creaturesnapper: Indian Palm Bob --- Suastus gremius
Aidehua2013: Melanargia sp., Wolong July 2023
creaturesnapper: Indian Wanderer --- Pareronia hippia
creaturesnapper: Common Pierrot --- Castalius rosimon
creaturesnapper: Painted Jezebel --- Delias hyparete
Farang foto: A Great Mormon