Supremecourtjester: Wall (St.) between Church (St.) and State (St.)
Bill A: Sidewalk Gospel Preacher
Bill A: Depiction of Saint Barbara, the Patron Saint of Artillerymen
Madeline Crew: untitled
Madeline Crew: Define Freedom
Madeline Crew: Seperation?
Foof n Boof: May 21, 2011
Foof n Boof: No limit to the hypocrisy
Todd.Schiele: The Intersection of Church & State
docjfw: Keep 'Em Separated
!SpecialK!: The Distinctive seperation of church, state and nature
hallock35: Church vs State
@lvee: Separation of church and state, yeah right!!
sirchuckles: Church and State
kerrins_giraffe: Religious Liberty
docksidepress: Freedom Cuts Both Ways
mirsasha: Separation of church and state
crosstrippin: Veteran's Memorial Park
julierob: Ten Commandments
DustDevilDiver (Briley Mitchell): Ten Commandments/Liberty Bell
roarksfork: So much for the separation of church and state
KierDuros: P3252571
KierDuros: P3252570
KierDuros: P3252569
KierDuros: P3252566
KierDuros: P3252564
KierDuros: P3252563