Karmafritz: Iconoclasmictricity
nouveau: The Phoenix….or a tweaked cloud?
Karmafritz: Isfah
Karmafritz: Pollinator
Karmafritz: Transmitter~~~
stephen dutch: Inside Rydal Cave, Cumbria
nouveau: Egret
nouveau: Restored Standard Oil gas station, Odell, IL
nouveau: Beach day x4
nouveau: A Day at the Beach2
nouveau: A Day at the Beach
nouveau: Rotary park tweakation
nouveau: Charlie luvs ice and snow
nouveau: Tractor Barn, tweakation
nouveau: Old friends
nouveau: Old friends
nouveau: John's Barn
nouveau: Friendship
nouveau: English country side
nouveau: Tulips and irises, tweaked
nouveau: Jim and Brian, May, 2017
nouveau: Mr. T
nouveau: Mr. T
nouveau: Scott
nouveau: Kapok bloom
nouveau: Geicko]
nouveau: Geicko2
nouveau: Kapok bloom
stephen dutch: The Fly Agaric