bsdpunkblog: DSCF0536
bsdpunkblog: DSCF0531
bsdpunkblog: DSCF0527
quinn.anya: Evidence of piracy?
mike ambs: The back of AFC's new CD case
mike ambs: The inside of the liner notes for AFC's new CD
mike ambs: The Front of AFC's new CD case :)
mike ambs: The outside of the liner notes for AFC's new CD
takomabibelot: Concert Record 78 rpm License Label, Undated
rebopper: DRM
vrogy: crayons that don't draw in color.
vrogy: a bike that can only run on special roads.
vrogy: a car you can't soup up.
vrogy: The cup that can only be half-full.
n3ldan: Stickin' it to The Man
danakin: raid copy
factoryjoe: Stunning infringement
factoryjoe: Text "wiretap" to 66937
factoryjoe: Text "wiretap" to 66937
MillyNeT: Gerbe funeste
factoryjoe: Free your iPod
factoryjoe: Democracy: the future of TV
factoryjoe: iTunes Evil Rootkit!
factoryjoe: iTunes Evil
miss_rogue: mp3 is not a crime
Dewolf Family: CC License All Creative Works
factoryjoe: Get the EFF outta my way iTunes!
factoryjoe: RIAA vs Jellyfish